What Should Remodeling Contractors Focus on in 2024? Branding!

As marketing experts for small remodeling companies and building contractors, we hear a lot of questions. One of the most common things we’re asked is, “What should I focus on this year in my marketing?”

These clients are often booked and busy! Business is good, but they know things can change on a dime, and they want to play the long game.

My answer: Branding.
If you want to invest in the long-term performance of your small business, you must create a compelling, quality, and authentic brand.

What exactly do we mean by branding? What does a successful brand look like?
Your brand is the image and impression of your business. For example:

  • Levi's jeans are synonymous with classic Americana and cool, casual style

  • Apple Inc. is sleek, modern, and known for its cutting-edge technology

  • NIKE represents athleticism, mental toughness, and innovative design

Each brand listed above is distinctive; they’re set apart from their competitors. This singularity creates devoted fans and stands the test of time. Your brand may not be as large-scale or have the same reach as Apple, but that doesn’t mean it’s unimportant!

So, how do you cultivate your brand?
Center your efforts on building your brand image. Ensure your business portrays the best version of you: who you are, what you want to be, and your area of expertise. Branding is putting your best image forward for the world to see; it’s how you attract your ideal client.

Tips for Building Your Band:

Ensure all your marketing goes together; it should feel like one cohesive idea. Use consistent brand standards such as colors, fonts, and logos throughout your website, emails, mailers, e-newsletters, work apparel, vehicles, and on-site signage. It all adds up to make you look professional, experienced, and trustworthy.

Once you know who you are and what you’re good at, you’ll also know who you aren’t. Clarity creates priorities and a natural focus - it’s freeing. Defining your business develops guidelines and a framework to follow in the future. If pieces of your marketing don’t fit anymore, let them go.

After establishing your brand standards, all of your content should reflect that style. For a remodeling contractor, quality photos are essential. Put your best foot forward by hiring a professional photographer to document your best projects, then share them everywhere: on your website, in print materials, in e-newsletters, on social media, etc.

When it comes to marketing, you never have to do everything, but you do need to be consistent. Develop a plan you can manage and then execute. Many of our clients set up a marketing schedule, including yearly, monthly, and weekly benchmarks. Above all, stay in front of your client base. Ensure they hear from you, see you’re busy, and can view your most beautiful projects!

Your clients are your biggest asset; nothing beats old-fashioned good word-of-mouth! Keep in touch with your past clients through e-newsletters, yearly letters, holiday mailings, referral programs, personal emails, or even connecting on social media. Lastly, don’t neglect client testimonials! Collect positive feedback and share those kind words and rave reviews!

Want Help with Your Brand?
If reading this blog has your head spinning, we have good news: you don’t have to do this alone! Our team can help you cultivate your brand, develop a marketing plan, and consistently keep in touch with your clients. Ready to get started? Please reach out - we’re here to help!
